I love my home; I feel the spirit here almost always and I feel love from my good husband. He has worked all of his life to provide shelter and warmth, food and clothing, every need and countless wants. He loves me and he loves our posterity. There is safety here and protection from the swirling storms about.
Home is in the temple and last Saturday we enjoyed a beautiful 2-hr time doing initiatory work for those who've gone on. While doing that, I was reminded of the beautiful promises made to me so many years ago. I feel a peace as I think of my covenants which embrace our beautiful 15 children and 15 grandchildren. I see us all in my mind's eye together in the eternities, never to be separated again by the distance of this earth.
The scriptures give me those same feelings of safety and protection and familiarity. They calm my troubled heart and give me reassurance in the down times. When I read and study them, I am home.
D&C 38:7-9 But behold, verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you. I am in your midst and ye cannot see me; But the day soon cometh that ye shall see me, and know that I am; for the veil of darkness shall soon be rent, and he that is not purified shall not abide the day. Wherefore, gird up your loins and be prepared. Behold, the kingdom is yours, and the enemy shall not overcome."
Those are amazing verses for me. They bring comfort and strength to my days of discouragement. Everything will be fine. The Savior is in our midst, I just can't see him. Wow, I need to remember that so I behave reverently always. I need to continue to be watchful and see that I am prepared and then have confidence that the enemy will not overcome.
There truly is NO PLACE LIKE HOME! I am thankful.
9 years ago
Isn't it great? I LOVE our home in Bako and its always comfy and will always be home but I've learned that its not really the place but the feeling you have there. I haven't lived with Suz in our house for very long but its very much home and I LOVE being there!
In the bible dictionary under "temples" it says that only the home can compare in sacredness. I think that's why we can feel the spirit so readily at home. And it makes me want to work hard at having the spirit in my home. Thanks for sharing. I loved it.
i loved reading this thanks for sharing =)
Your words always inspire me to do better- Thank you.
Beautiful Rinez, now how's the writer.
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