Tuesday, April 21, 2009

For Shannon & Lindy

This past weekend was the Salt Lake Marathon in which many of our family members participated. They wanted to do it for Shannon & Lindy, making it our annual fundraiser. With the help of countless friends and family, we raised $16,000 so far which is $1000 more than we had hoped. We thank all of you who donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and remind you that it's not too late, if you forgot. You can still send a check to me or go online at http://www.cff.org/Great_Strides/dsp_DonationPage.cfm?walkid=6264&idUser=158720 and donate that way.

Suzanne, Boyce's wife, did the bike tour which is the same as the marathon distance. Boyce ran the 5K, Kat, Paul's fiance, ran the half marathon while Jerel and Paul ran the full marathon, 26.2 miles.

You can see the logo on the front of the shirts we all wore in the picture below. On the back of those shirts is a photo of Shannon with words, "In memory of our Shannon Lovebug 1981-2008 and a photo of Lindy with words, "For many more memories with Lindy." Below the pictures it says, "Taking steps to cure Cystic Fibrosis."

There was such an outpouring of support from family and friends on every side and we know our girl was there with us. So I am so exhilarated still from this powerful experience and I am thankful to our children who participated and who came to watch and who supported from a distance. Truly there is joy in this life.

Suzanne and Boyce

Paul & Kat

Jerel coming up on the finish line!

Paul coming up on the finish line.

Kat, Paul, Jerel, Lindy,Boyce, Suzanne


Boyce said...

This was all SO fun! We're very sad our house is empty now. Suz was commenting on how quiet our house is now! We miss you all!

Manu Family said...

wow... congrats on the amount you raised ..that is awesome.... I was so excited to read about the marathon.... thanks for sharing....what a great thing your family did for Shannon and Lindy.... I miss her!!!

Sam and Janiece said...

What an awesome experience that must have been! I saw Paul at the gym a few times and know that he worked hard to train, which I'm sure everyone who participated did. I know that Shannon is smiling in Heaven right now... I miss her dearly!

Susan said...

Great to hear about your family event. Isn't it wonderful to have these children of ours that bring us such joy!
Love Susan